Keyboard: Where's the Tet? Where are Sofit letters? Why are there two Yuds and two Vav characters?

Keyboard: Where's the Tet? Where are Sofit letters? Why are there two Yuds and two Vav characters?

Tet can be entered by typing a CAPITAL "T".
The #1 basic rule for our phonetic keyboard is this: If you got the wrong letter, CAPITALIZE IT and that will be the letter you wanted! So… CAPITAL “T” will give you the Hebrew letter “Tet” :)

letters can be entered by typing a CAPITAL "N" for Nun sofit, "P" for Pay sofit, etc.

Why are there two Yuds and two Vavs?
The keyboard is Phonetic. Since Hebrew has several letters that sound like English letters, we've mapped these letters to multiple places on the keyboard so you have a better chance of hitting the right letter the first time!

Read more about doitinHebrew's Phonetic Hebrew Keyboard here:

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