Popular Articles
Keyboard: Where's the Tet? Where are Sofit letters? Why are there two Yuds and two Vav characters?
Tet can be entered by typing a CAPITAL "T". The #1 basic rule for our phonetic keyboard is this: If you got the wrong letter, CAPITALIZE IT and that will be the letter you wanted! So… CAPITAL “T” will give you the Hebrew letter “Tet” :) Sofit letters ...
How to Save Words
Here’s how to save words to your saved words list. Enter the word Click the blue “Translate” button Click the “save” link/star in the translation panel as shown here:
Phonetic Hebrew Keyboard Letter Mapping
Hebrew Alphabet with Phonetic Keyboard Keys ג ב בּ א gimel- g vet- b,B,V bet- b, B aleph - a ז ו ה ד zayin- z vav- v, o, u hay- h dalet- d כּ י ט ח kaf- c yud- i, y tet- T chet- H, j, K מ ל ך כ mem- m lamed- l chaf sofit- C chaf- c ס ן נ ם samech - s ...
How to Conjugate Hebrew Verbs
There are a number of ways to access the Verb Conjugator. In all cases, you will be entering a verb or verb root (shoresh) in Hebrew, or any verb in English and then pressing the ‘Translate’ button. This will produce the conjugation tables in the ...
How to Hear Hebrew Audio Translations
Please try to follow these brief instructions to hear the audio. Please note that these features work best using the latest versions of Google Chrome , Internet Explorer or Firefox browsers. Enter your word and click the blue "Translate" button. ...